Monday, October 5, 2009

Intelligent Buildings

An intelligent building is a dynamic and responsive architecture that provides every occupant with productive, cost effective and environmentally approved conditions through a continuous interaction amongst its four basic elements: places (fabric, structure, facilities); processes (automation, control systems); people (services, users) and management (maintenance, performance in use) and the inter-relationship between them.

Roshan Seebundhun, Architect


  1. Useful Website

  2. Dear Sir, can we have the assignment question please?????


  3. Intelligent Buildings - Assignment No 5 is about the implementation of Building Management Systems (BMS) through Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) & Distributed-Intelligence (DI's) in application to Assignment No 3 in order to achieve sustainable Intelligent Buildings.

  4. sir...for our assignment n05, should we develop the who;e site or just to focus on a specific zone or on just a specific facility such a mall???



  5. Sir,.... Is assignment No.5 only explaining how we will implement BMS in our site or do we have do assignment 5 on intelligent buildings and BMS and then implement a BMS in our site??


  6. Assignment No 5 shall now be specific for the built environment within your site. The site should clearly identified no of buildings (if there is any), type and functions etc. Access should be clearly defined. BMS should be implemented on every major aspects of your brief such that your project is intelligent, modern and sustainanable.
    Simple answer to your query would be to Implement BMS on your site including buildings.

  7. My suggestion would be that everyone submit a draft proposal in the mean time , in order to be on the right track.

  8. Some More HINTS
    1. Develop your site with regards to access to building. Show carefully steps taken to alleviate traffic
    2. Place your building in context on your site plan showing access route , parking etc
    3. Develop your building according to its functions. Be precise and state what type of BMS you are using
    4. Develop the BMS in terms of flow chart diagram if possible to show plan of work
    5. Develop the facilities on your site to show clearly your methodolgy
    6. Presentation is also essential

  9. should we be starting our assisgmnt no 5??!!! a bit similar to that of no3,that is, to give site location, developmnt to done,etc...
    and then add the BMS to it??



  10. Your project should be well defined as described above. Remember that your assignment is a continuous development until the final phase is reached. So you will have information already stated in previous assignment reappearing in the next assignment with more ellaborated detail.

  11. Sir Can we write about mitigation during construction in assignment 5 ?

